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How to get started with Keylogs
Keylogs will help you to get a deep understanding of what’s happening with your site in the Google search results. This tutorial will help you to get started with Keylogs quickly and gain your first insights.
Getting Started with Keylogs If you haven’t set up a property yet please log in to Keylogs using the same google account you use for the Google Search Console. Follow the setup wizard and within a few seconds you’ll be set to explore your data.
How to find new content ideas
There are different ways to look for new content ideas with Keylogs. To start head over to the KeyXplorer section of your site. We are going to dive deep into your site’s data for this!
For a start please keep your timeframe set to 30 days. If you like to explore deeper you can alter it but please keep in mind that you’ll have to alter the filter settings accordingly.
How to analyze and interpret user behavior
Google becomes more and more obsessed with user signals as ranking factors. The biggest one probably being the bounce-back-to-google rate. While we can’t figure out this number directly, the users´ behavior on a page can give us valuable insights and hints to determine the page’s performance.
Inspecting and watching these metrics is especially valuable when looking at your top performers if you want to tweak out the last bit of on page optimization for them.
How to find and fix Keyword Cannibalization
What is keyword cannibalization? Keyword cannibalization describes a common SEO problem where a website has more than one page ranking for a certain keyword. While this can theoretically be a good thing if your website occupies the top 3 results, 99 % of the time it is a big problem as you are competing against yourself.
When you have several pages ranking for one term, each page will have a lower click-through-rate and diminished authority as a consolidated page would have.
How to identify your top traffic performers
Keylogs makes it really easy for you to identify your top performing pages and keywords - also often called money pages. These are the pages that really bring in your users and account for the lion’s share of your income. You should watch them closely – if one of them loses rank you’ll lose a lot of traffic and revenue. Best start tracking them now with Keylogs to watch them closely!
How to fix site errors
If you have ever worked with the Google Search Console you are probably familiar with this. Start by clicking on the Keylogs ErrorXplorer usually you’ll find a few crawl errors or „notFound“. This means the google crawler tried to visit a page but got an error (404) instead.
Google provides more information on what the errors mean.
By the way: If nothing shows up on the table, congratulate yourself and knock off for today.
How to find and use SEO Quick Wins
Quick Wins are rankings that can easily be improved to boost your traffic from Google. Finding them can be as simple as clicking a single button in Keylogs.
Head over to the PageXplorer or the KeyXplorer and hit „Quick Wins“ to get started. Keylogs will now filter out pages or keywords that are on the first page of Google but have a click-through-rate (CTR) that’s below average for their position.
How to find and use Google ranking opportunities
Generally there are two ways to find ranking opportunities with Keylogs and both can be used on Keywords as well as on pages. I’ll explain both ways in more detail here.
What are ranking opportunities and how to find them Ranking opportunities are pages or keywords that already rank moderately on google. Usually these rankings can be pushed to the first page with a little bit of on page optimization.
How to track SEO changes with Keylogs
Marking changes is a great and simple way to see how your work effects your rankings. You should always do this after making any SEO-related changes to your pages to measure their effect.
Start by tracking any page or keyword You can mark changes as soon as you start tracking a page, keyword or keyword for a specific page. To do so all you have to do is hit the star anywhere in the KeyXplorer or PageXplorer section.